Getting To Know Kaila Matthews

Meet Kaila Matthews

Q&A - Getting to know the members of the STS Family  

  • Where are you from?

    • South Memphis loud and proud!

  • What made you consider joining the STS family?

    • I knew I needed to be apart of the impact my middle school friends, Alton and Jeremy, were orchestrating. Mentorship saved my life.

  • What does your role within the organization entail?

    • I am an Elite coach with Lemoyne Owen college students and have liaison as a Lead team member to prepare things behind the scenes.

  • What was it about STS Enterprise’s mission that drew you to the organization?

    • I love the idea of Memphis professionals strategically pouring into the youth and helping build out their futures to meet their desires and skills.

  • What impact do you hope to have on the organization within the year?

    • I hope to bring the zest to getting the bag at LOC. Students hear so much about professionalism and goal setting and we can do all this while being excited and having a good time doing it. I want professionals and PIMs to have joy in the journey.

  • How do you spend your time when you are not empowering the next generation?

    • I am either in my garden, experiencing Memphis to blog for Memphis Moms, or waiting to catch a baby! I'm a student Midwife and it's so exciting ushering life into the world.

  • What is your superpower or something you feel like you do better than anyone else?

    • I'm a high-key optimist! I truly believe effort improves our future and your outlook changes your outcomes.

  • What does a perfect day look like for you?

    • A perfect day would allow me to get on my yoga mat, impact my city in some way or be impacted, and the ability to be present for my kids and husband at the bookends of the day.

  • What excites you most about working with the students?

    • I love that they really are sponges still at this age. They are going to soak up what they are near. We happen to position them next to black excellence.

  • Who has had the biggest influence on your leadership style?

    • Andy Bobowsli, my former leader at Kipp Memphis Academy Middle. He was such a transformative leader.

  • How can the STS family connect with you?

    • I can be found on ALL social media @WhatTheDoula (Facebook, IG, X, YouTube, LinkedIn, TikTok, Pinterest)


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