Getting To Know Wendolyn Payne

Meet Wendolyn Payne

Q&A - Getting to know the members of the STS Family  

  • Where are you from?

    • I am a true Memphian. Born and raised in Memphis. Originated in Orange Mound then moved to North Memphis and landed in Westwood for the majority of my life. (Yep, that was a long answer to a simple question but each area imparted something significant to me.)

  • What made you consider joining the STS family?

    • I met the founders over 10 years ago at an Urban League event as a Young Professional and throughout the years I have witnessed first hand their commitment to the next generation that looks like me. Both of them had supported me in previous years in a youth development program that I was already a part of. Although I would lean in when I could and support for various things STS was doing, my schedule was very demanding. It was during the pandemic that I gained more time to come on board as a coach and it has been one of the most rewarding parts of my life’s work.

  • What does your role within the organization entail?

    • My role with the organization is that of a Professional Development Coach and Mentor to college students in the STS Elite program.

  • What was it about STS Enterprise’s mission that drew you to the organization?

    • It would have to be the organization using hands-on experiential learning and the real world opportunities. Although I have worked in corporate America for many years yet remaining young, I didn't gain the knowledge that I am an audiovisual learner until maybe 15 years ago through an assessment the company I worked at provided to their employees. That was a game changer for me in strengthening my ability to embrace how I learn. STS uses assessments and various tools through systems and proven methods that enable the students to gain more insight early on to what energizes and motivates them and aides them in identifying the career path that connects with their true talents.

  • What impact do you hope to have on the organization within the year?

    • In 2025, I am focused on my impact being that of increased accountability. I am committed to working with the students to recognize the importance of staying committed to the goals they have established, and to hold themselves accountable to any commitment they make. Be it to others, but especially to themselves. In a culture where verbal commitments are spoken but more often than not actually held to, I want the students to recognize the importance of being men and women of their word and take ownership of the commitment they have made to other and themselves. In addition to that, I hope to impact the organization in 2025 by finding more ways that I can connect my current employer; that desires to impact the next generation with opportunities to share knowledge and resources to move STS forward.

  • How do you spend your time when you are not empowering the next generation?

    • Well let me just say I am a Foodie at heart. I enjoy trying out various places to eat and doing impromptu reviews. Also, I am a very close to my family and enjoy the title of Aunt and Great Aunt. Along with that I am a paw parent of three very large dogs that i absolutely adore Bo, Miss Lady and Benjamin. And in the other moments, I'm so very blessed to have such a wonderful community of friends that pour into me and I into them.

  • What is your superpower or something you feel like you do better than anyone else?

    • Oh without hesitation my Energy is one of my superpowers. It is contagious too . And my second superpower is my ability to care for others. I am the person that will speak to everyone in the room and pick up on the one person that has a light fluctuation in their response or a different look in their eye. I can only explain it that I am very sensitive to it and my nature is to care. I am the person that asks you, “How are you today?”, and actually lingers around to hear your response.

  • What does a perfect day look like for you?

    • Oh wow a perfect day for me hmmm. Alright early morning rise (I'm usually up by 3:30 to 4 am as that's just how my system works); a cup of Ryze Mushroom coffee, step out on my deck to sip it while everything is still quiet and I have a private conversation with God before everyone else in the world gets up. Next, breakfast at one of my favorite spots "Egg King" just a few minutes from my house. Then go home, play with the dogs for a few, and then head to downtown Memphis and explore as if I was a tourist in my own city. Just the freedom of not being on anyone's schedule is a perfect day for me to just roam. It's rare that I get those opportunities.

  • What excites you most about working with the students?

    • The learning experience I have every time I am in their presence. Yes, I am sharing the knowledge I've gained in life from various experiences, but it excites me to learn from the students and to see them take the knowledge shared and activate it in their life and it manifest in goals achieved, internships secured, full time employment in their desired field after graduation and the confidence they have in knowing that their STS Coach is there for them.

  • Who has had the biggest influence on your leadership style?

    • Oh there isn't a specific one individual that's influenced my leadership style. It's a collective of several that include my mother in her gift to care in areas that seem so insignificant, but have a tremendous impact on people. It’s my father that showed me the importance of never shying away of making a connection to people of all backgrounds and even levels so never to miss an opportunity to learn. It’s my pastors that showed me through their actions how wisdom utilized properly can motivate and spark the inner glow of talent in people. Also, the various leaders that taught me how to challenge a team to think strategically, stretch in areas of discomfort and yet incorporate empathy as it can be currency when you need it most.

      My leadership style is a collection of so many that poured into the leader people experience with me.

  • How can the STS family connect with you?

    • LinkedIn: Wendolyn Payne



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